NCRs against mpi-defaults 1.17

Zixing Liu zixing.liu at
Wed Aug 7 02:07:50 UTC 2024

On Wed, Aug 7, 2024 at 1:15 AM Erich Eickmeyer <eeickmeyer at> wrote:
> Hello all!
> Last week, Olivier Gayout was in #ubuntu-devel and asked for a NCR of
> netgen against mpi-defaults 1.17. Well, it turned out that wasn't the
> only package that needed it, as we found a ton of rdepends that needed
> rebuilding against the new mpi-defaults. Ultimately, several ended up
> completely FTBFS on GCC-14 [1] and a handful only on armhf [2]. The vast
> majority are upstream issues in Debian and I have found the upstream
> bugs, but there are a few standouts.
>   - hdf5 is fixed in Debian, but will need a substantial merge.
>   - scalapack says it's fixed in Debian, but I've deduced that if they
> were to rebuild it would fail again. Upstream's recommendation is to not
> use GCC-14 [3]. Obviously not an option.

This is just bad code; using an older compiler as an escape hatch is
not a good idea.
The solution is to put correct function prototypes and correct headers
in the problematic source files.

>   - Miriam España Acebal fixed the armhf problem with form, I sponsored
> (Thanks Miriam!).
>   - mumps is actually an mpi bug, still working on what the Debian bug
> is there, needs a new bug filed.
>   - netcdf is our bug, nothing upstream in Debian. Needs more investigation.

I have previously touched this package (netcdf), and the issue here is
we have enabled -Werror=incompatible-pointer-types on GCC 14.
If you look at the Debian logs, the same diagnostics are there, but at
the warning level.

This is because NetCDF assumes implicit casts of pointers are
acceptable (this is no longer true with GGC 14).
The solution would be either patch the code to have consistent pointer
types or downgrade the error to a warning using

>   - r-cran-metamix is removed from Debian, needs to be removed from
> Ubuntu, no rdeps other than a metapackage, bug already filed [4] .
> That said, this turned into a much larger project than I thought it
> would be, and all that's left is the FTBFS issues. If anyone can
> join-in, please do!
> [1]
> [2]
> [3]
> [4]
> Thanks!
> Erich Eickmeyer
> --
> Erich Eickmeyer
> Ubuntu MOTU
> Project Leader - Ubuntu Studio
> Technical Lead - Edubuntu
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