Running Britney locally against a PPA, how to keep Britney from thinking my PPA package is in main?

Steve Langasek steve.langasek at
Thu Dec 7 23:58:40 UTC 2023

On Thu, Dec 07, 2023 at 03:11:31AM -0600, Aaron Rainbolt wrote:
> For this reason, I need to have every reverse dependency autopkgtested
> against the new signond packages in a PPA, lest I severely clog up the
> archive.

You really, REALLY don't.

Pre-upload autopkgtesting in a ppa is, with few exceptions, a waste of
resources.  The tests are going to get re-run anyway in the actual archive,
and unless it's a library with an ABI transition (== binary package rename)
and a VERY LARGE list of reverse-dependencies, there's no reason to
double-run the tests on the off chance that you need to fix some tests
before the package can land.

The signon source package has three runtime library packages with less than
a dozen reverse-dependencies between them, AND the signond source package in
Debian doesn't introduce any ABI changes.  From a proposed-migration
perspective, this is all unnecessary busywork.

> I've decided to take the most painful but accurate way
> possible to get a list of packages that need autopkgtested, and that is to
> set up a local Britney instance following the instructions at

While it may be the most painful way, it does nothing for you with respect
to accuracy unless your package is in the very short list of packages that
have customizations to their autopkgtest trigger handling in the britney
source code (britney2/policies/ ).  You're
not uploading gcc or a kernel, so that's not relevant here.

If I *did* need a list of packages to trigger tests for, I would:

- run `reverse-depends src:signon`
- map those to source packages
- merge with the output from `reverse-depends src:signon -a source` (which
  would include any packages that declare a testsuite dependency - in this
  case, none)

I would definitely not spend time hacking on britney for this.

> * Create a new component named "universe" in my PPA and upload to it. That
> seems like it would be a relatively clean and easy solution, but I have
> absolutely no clue how I would go about doing this, and suspect it's not
> even possible.

It is not possible.

Steve Langasek                   Give me a lever long enough and a Free OS
Debian Developer                   to set it on, and I can move the world.
Ubuntu Developer                         
slangasek at                                     vorlon at
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