+1 maintenance, please look at NBS [Was: +1 maintenance report (Week of 2023-08-21)]

Steve Langasek steve.langasek at ubuntu.com
Thu Aug 31 19:51:57 UTC 2023

On Thu, Aug 31, 2023 at 02:40:55PM -0300, Athos Ribeiro wrote:
> I was on +1 maintenance on the week of 2023-08-21.

> I started the week using the Ubuntu archive tooling to re-triggering a few
> tests and running the find-proposed-cluster script to find good candidates
> to work on.

Please keep the NBS report in mind as well:


There has not been much progress on this list for roughly a month, and there
are lots of packages here needing active attention of the kind that would
not be blocked by a glibc migration :)

Steve Langasek                   Give me a lever long enough and a Free OS
Debian Developer                   to set it on, and I can move the world.
Ubuntu Developer                                   https://www.debian.org/
slangasek at ubuntu.com                                     vorlon at debian.org
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