22.04.3 preparation in progress! Soft freeze of jammy-updates/security

Lukasz Zemczak lukasz.zemczak at canonical.com
Fri Aug 4 07:38:03 UTC 2023

Hello everyone,

This is a heads up that we are now working on 22.04.3, with a planned
release next week on the 10th of August. As we will be preparing to
build our first release candidates soon™, we will be entering a
soft-freeze of the jammy-updates and jammy-security pockets.


SRU and security teams: please do not release any new updates for
jammy until we're done with the release. In cases where the upload is
important and needs to go in ASAP, please coordinate with Paride

Best regards,

Łukasz 'sil2100' Zemczak
 Foundations Team
 Tools Squad Interim Engineering Manager
 lukasz.zemczak at canonical.com

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