Changes in the container stack

Seth Arnold seth.arnold at
Wed Aug 2 02:02:24 UTC 2023

On Tue, Aug 01, 2023 at 06:45:59PM -0300, Lucas Kanashiro wrote:
> With that in mind, we, the Server team, identified the need to decouple the
> application (what users really use) and the library (what is used by rdeps)
> in a way that, on the one hand, we can keep following upstream projects
> without worrying about breaking changes and on the other hand, we keep the
> library (-dev package) stable to avoid breakages of packages sync'ed from
> Debian or already in stable releases during SRUs.

Hello Lucas, I'm very concerned about this plan, I hope you can assuage my

This sounds like we'll introduce a new problem, where third-party
applications built against the libraries will become incompatible with
the main application.

If the ecosystems are changing external library ABIs too often, I can
only shudder in fear at how quickly internal library ABIs are changing.

What gives us the confidence that the internal ABIs are actually more
stable and reliable than the external ABIs?

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