+1 maintenance report

Lucas Kanashiro lucas.kanashiro at canonical.com
Mon Sep 12 14:49:02 UTC 2022


This is the summary of my +1 maintenance shift from last week. I did not
manage to do more because of a local holiday and internal reviews over the

# passwordsafe

There was a "regression" in arm64 which was actually not a regression. I
did run the test with migration-reference/0 and it failed anyway. Package

# rails

It is stuck in -proposed because the new version contains a fix for
CVE-2022-32224 which introduced a behavior change in the way hashes are
serialized. I filed LP: #1988782 and tagged it as update-excuse. Utkarsh as
one of the Debian maintainers will be pushing this forward.

# ruby-html-proofer

Fixed FTBFS. Some tests were requiring Internet access, so I skipped them
and uploaded the package to Debian. Version 3.19.2-7 contains the fix.
Package unblocked.

# tup

autopkgtest was failing because the test is expecting a binary which has
not been generated. Fixed the binary generation and uploaded version
0.7.11-1ubuntu1. Also committed the same change in the salsa git
repository, this an orphaned package, not expecting an upload of a new
version soon.

The change explained above was uploaded but then it FTBFS on s390x. Created
a patch to support that and uploaded version 0.7.11-1ubuntu2. The patch was
forwarded upstream, and it was already merged:


Package unblocked.

# loggerhead

The autopkgtest regression was reported in Debian and it was theoretically
closed in version 2.0.0-1. However, the regression is still there. I
reopened the Debian bug (#1016452) and gave a hint about what might be the

# r-cran-uwot

A couple of tests are failing only on arm64, ppc64el and s390x. I tried to
fix them by myself but no luck with that yet. I filed an upstream bug:


# autopkgtest

Re-triggered some tests of other packages blocking it. Package unblocked.

Lucas Kanashiro.
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