+1 Maintenance Report

Dan Bungert daniel.bungert at canonical.com
Fri Nov 18 00:32:17 UTC 2022

+1, week of Nov-14

Worked on universe packages affected by python3.11

##### aiocoap #####

fails with python 3.11
Package goes poking around the unittest.case._Outcome object, which was changed
in https://github.com/python/cpython/issues/75039

Sent upstream a workaround for the _Outcome problems.
And documented other test failures, which will need resolving for this package
to pass ADT.

##### cloudpickle LP: #1996655 / debbug 1024205 #####

* backported 2 commits to fix ADT failures.  Also needs python-psutil from
* Uploaded and forwarded to Debian, but this failed to build for other reasons
  as it is broken with python 3.11.0-3 but not 3.11.0-1
* Reuploaded with another backported commit for 3.11.0-3 compat.
* other packages need cloudpickle - dask, donfig

##### device-tree-compiler LP: #1996949 / debbug 1015271 #####

* Package needs update to handle the typical python version transitions
* dt-schema needs an updated device-tree-compiler providing the python 3.11
  version of _libfdt.

##### diffoscope LP: #1996926 / debbug 1024335 #####

* Reported test failure upstream

##### django-assets LP: #1996828 / debbug 1024287 #####

* Fails on some changes to the re module, apply a patch proposed upstream and
  uploaded and forwarded to Debian.

##### python-clevercsv #####

* Known failing upstream https://github.com/alan-turing-institute/CleverCSV/issues/74
* deepdiff needs clevercsv.

##### retests #####

* retested with extra triggers
  * abydos
  * aggdraw
  * pyerfa
  * astroalign
  * aplpy
  * augur
  * azure-kusto-python
  * billiart
  * bcolz
  * bottleneck
  * busco
  * cachelib
  * celery
  * citeproc-py
  * createrepo-c
  * cyvcf2
  * dasbus
  * dateparser
  * deap
  * dipy
  * django-simple-captcha
* retest
  * advocate
  * atropos
  * azure-uamqp-python
  * bitstruct
  * bolt
  * booth
  * brotli
  * cheetah
  * comitup
  * cython
  * djangorestframework-gis
  * dnarrange
  * dodgy
  * dolfin
  * dpdk


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