Call for votes: Developer Membership Board restaffing

Robie Basak robie.basak at
Wed Mar 30 20:31:46 UTC 2022

On Wed, Mar 30, 2022 at 01:17:52PM -0700, Brian Murray wrote:
> On IRC we talked about using the "Contact this user" feature of
> Launchpad. Did you end up getting many more votes after doing that?

Thank you for the suggestion!

Yes, although unfortunately I don't know if the votes were prompted by
that message, or just by the general ML traffic here on the topic, or
because it was close to the deadline.

The final count is 48/174 which I think is comparable to the previous
election. I wasn't taking notes, but I think a little over 50% of those
appeared after my "Contact this user" message.
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