Call for votes: Developer Membership Board restaffing

Andreas Hasenack andreas at
Tue Mar 29 14:19:56 UTC 2022


On Tue, Mar 29, 2022 at 11:15 AM Dan Streetman <ddstreet at> wrote:
> On Tue, Mar 29, 2022 at 9:45 AM Robie Basak <robie.basak at> wrote:
> >
> > On Tue, Mar 29, 2022 at 09:19:31AM -0400, Dan Streetman wrote:
> > > For example, in this situation; carrying out an election really
> > > shouldn't be an exceptional event.
> >
> > Normally it isn't. Previous elections have run smoothly and with no
> > issues that I'm aware of.
> >
> > However we now have an interaction between the following exceptional
> > situations, none of which were predicted:
> >
> > 1) The sudden apparent inability to send out announcements in the usual
> > way.
> >
> > 2) The sudden (for us) change in CIVS to require email pre-approval.
> >
> > 3) Our existing email-gathering system means that people now don't
> > necessarily know their own ballot email alias and figuring that out is
> > particularly difficult.
> >
> > This is exceptional and requires exceptional consideration. Nothing we
> > might have had in rules or policies previously could reasonably have
> > predicted this.
> >
> > You seem to be suggesting that the current situation demonstrates that
> > the existing documentation, process or policy around running a DMB
> > election is somehow inadequate. But since this exceptional situation
> > couldn't reasonably have been accommodated in hindsight, I don't think
> > this is the case.
> >
> > > My feedback would be that this election should stick to the process
> > > already in place at the start of the election. There should be no
> > > changes to the process while the election is ongoing. If you think the
> > > election process should change, that should be discussed, agreed on,
> > > and documented. Then the next election can use the new process.
> >
> > Thank you for your feedback.
> >
> > > Can you imagine if a government decided to change the election process
> > > during an election?
> >
> > For a fair comparison, you'd have to imagine what would happen if during
> > a government election it turned out that most of the electorate found
> > themselves unable to receive a ballot and therefore couldn't vote.
> Do you have evidence that has actually happened to anyone in this
> case? I was able to vote quite easily, and it seems (from your ML
> comments) that both Christian and yourself were as well, and Christian
> provided explicit steps earlier in this email thread.

I wasn't able to vote. I tried a few different emails and the system
wouldn't recognize any, and I gave up on that day and forgot about it,
until this thread was woken up. Of course, the one email I didn't try
was the correct one, but having to pick an email, request a token,
wait, use token, and then nothing, was too cumbersome that day and I
gave up after 3 attempts.

Today I talked with Robie, and he told me the correct email to use,
and I was able to vote.

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