Restoring debhelper dh5 compat for the LTS?

Dimitri John Ledkov dimitri.ledkov at
Wed Mar 23 18:59:19 UTC 2022

On Wed, 23 Mar 2022 at 18:50, Robie Basak <robie.basak at> wrote:
> On Wed, Mar 23, 2022 at 02:58:27PM +0000, Dimitri John Ledkov wrote:
> > Please don't. There are many bugs in older compat level that may produce
> > debs no longer compatible with our OS. Especially around generated
> > maintainer scripts.
> >
> > It's best to upgrade packaging to compat level 13. Sounds like a long
> > overdue packaging upkeep.
> I understand the principle here, but it seems very late in our cycle to
> be suddenly finding ourselves with the task of doing this for the entire
> archive. What changed that suddenly makes this urgent for _this_ cycle
> in particular, apart from that someone noticed?
> I don't have a strong view on the technicalities here, but socially it
> seems pretty harsh to suddenly impose this on development teams who are
> already busy due to what amounts to an accident of timing for general,
> tech-debt type improvements rather than something that directly impacts
> user experience. It'd be nice to see a compelling reason to push for
> more late notice work that doesn't rely on the word "may".

I didn't mean to enforce or request an upgrade to 13. I wanted to
ensure it is known that re-introducing support in debhelper for
compats 5 & 6 is very risky, and potentially buggy and is not
something we can or should attempt to do.

Upgrading packaging from compat 5 to 7 should be fairly minimal, even
if upgrading to 13 would be best. Especially since compat level 7 has
been available for more than 14 years now.

I am now deeply worried that we have packages in the archive that
didn't get packaging updates for 14 years now.



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