Nominations: Developer Membership Board

Brian Murray brian at
Thu Mar 17 19:09:27 UTC 2022

On Thu, Mar 17, 2022 at 02:54:02PM -0400, Dan Streetman wrote:
> On Thu, Mar 17, 2022 at 9:40 AM Onno Benschop <onno at> wrote:
> >
> > One way to leverage these volunteers is to deputise them and have them participate in the activities as a shadow member.
> Personally, I don't know where the fixed size of the DMB came from;
> there's nothing magic about 7 people. I suppose the TB controls this
> currently though, so the DMB would either need to write up a full
> charter that includes control over the membership size, or ask the TB
> to adjust the size.
> I don't see any particular reason to fix the size at 7, and I'd quite
> like it if the team grew in size.

Haven't there problems with reaching the number of votes necessary for a
quorum in the past? I'd rather see the team reduce in size[1] so that its
easier for applications to be approved.

Brian Murray

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