Call for nominations: Developer Membership Board

Sebastien Bacher seb128 at
Wed Mar 9 14:18:38 UTC 2022

Hey Robie and DMB members,

Le 01/03/2022 à 16:51, Robie Basak a écrit :
> Candidates must expect to be able to attend the majority of DMB
> meetings. Currently these take place on IRC, are scheduled on alternate
> Mondays with each meeting alternating between 1600 UTC and 1900 UTC, and
> last around an hour.

Following the recent emails stating that we don't have enough candidate 
I'm going to drop a note about ^

I was pondering sending my application, I'm busy but I think it's 
important that we have a function DMB, but that 'must expect' statement 
convinced me to not.
I try to lock the 17h30-20h to be able to have some family time and 
that's not something I'm wanting to compromise on at this point.

I might not be the only one in that situation, since we are short on 
candidate maybe it would help to try to be less rigid on that 
requirement? (being open to different times? allow members to skip and 
vote via email? ...)

Sebastien Bacher

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