Bash Command "mkcd"

David A. Desrosiers david.desrosiers at
Thu Feb 24 15:11:03 UTC 2022

On 2/24/22 05:30, Colin Watson wrote:
> I'm not the bash maintainer, but the bar for new shell builtins is
> rightly high since any additions would affect all systems, and I would
> expect this to be refused since it's easy to implement it as a local
> shell function with whatever behaviour and spelling you want.

Pretty straightforward:

     function mkcd() { mkdir -p "$@" && cd "$_"; }

man bash, and look at the 'Special Parameters' section for the use of 
the '_' param. You could also use "$@" there as well.

David A. Desrosiers
Principal Support Engineer (PSE/DSE), Canonical US
<david.desrosiers at>
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