Bash Command "mkcd"

Oliver Rath rath at
Wed Feb 23 17:49:14 UTC 2022

Hi Pixi,

Am 23.02.22 um 15:39 schrieb Pixelbog Pixi:
> Dear Ubuntu-Team,
> I have a question:
> Is it possible to add the command ​*mkcd**​*?
> It stands for *m*a*k*e & *c*hange *d*irectory and I think it will be 
> super usefull.
> It happened already way too often that I typed "*mk foo && cd foo*" and
> with *mkcd*it will save 8 keystrokes for the example "foo".

The most easy way for you is function in you .bashrc (in the homedir)

Just include

mkcd() {
     #do things with parameters like $1 such as
     make $1
     cd $1

Then you can use this command.



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