+1 maintenance report

Lucas Kanashiro lucas.kanashiro at canonical.com
Fri Dec 16 21:22:34 UTC 2022


Below you can find mostly everything I did this week, I tried to unblock
most of the ruby related packages.

- unblock puppet-agent
  + retrigger ruby-rspec-puppet with correct triggers
  + the other test failures does not seem to be a regression, but needs
further investigation

- unblock ruby-mime-types-data
  + retrigger ruby-mime-types with correct triggers

- fix golang-github-containerd-stargz-snapshotter and
golang-github-containers-psgo FTBFSes
  + reviewed and approved a containerd patch provided by @bdrung
  + there will be a follow up fix (a more appropriate one) which will
expose the vendor code to GOPATH

- rails FTBFS
  + sync ruby-image-processing from Debian unstable (missing b-d). This is
also blocking:
    * ruby-webpacker
    * ruby-mail
    * ruby-bootsnap
    * ruby-builder
  + to sync ruby-image-processing I needed to fix the ruby-vips FTBFS in
Debian. Both were manually removed from Ubuntu.
  + uploaded ruby-vips/2.1.4-1 to Debian unstable.

- unblock ruby-mail
  + rerun redmine test with the right triggers

- ruby-pg-query FTBFS
  + it depends on the protobuf transition (new protobuf version), not sure
when this will happen.

- ruby-commonmarker blocked
  + ruby-jekyll-commonmark regression because jekyll is uninstallable, it
requires ruby-liquid < 5 and
    we have ruby-liquid/5.4.0-2.
  + Debian bug for jekyll: #1017524
  + Upstream PR stuck for many months:

- ruby-rack-session and ruby-rackup FTBFSes
  + they require ruby-rack >= 3 and it is still in Debian experimental.

- unblock ruby-fog-core
  + blocked by ruby-fog-google -> ruby-google-api-client ->
ruby-representable -> ruby-virtus
  + fixed FTBFS in ruby-virtus/2.0.0-1 in Debian: bug #1019676

- unblock systemd
  + retriggered some tests for enr0n

- unblock ruby-omniauth
  + uploaded ruby-omniauth-oauth/1.2.0-1 from Debian experimental to
unstable to fix ruby-omniauth-bitbucket failure.
  + uploaded ruby-omniauth-multipassword/2.0.0~rc1-1 from Debian
experimental to unstable to fix its test failure.
  + filed a removal request to all other packages: LP #1999697
    * they are gitlab dependencies (not shipped in Ubuntu or Debian) and
not well maintained upstream.

- unblock ruby-prawn-icon
  + emailed the debian maintainer to ask for an update to a newer version
of ruby-asciidoctor-pdf.
  + became a co-maintainer and uploaded version 2.3.4-1 to unstable, should
be synced soon.

- unblock ruby-eventmachine
  + rerun ruby-em-http-requests tests with the right triggers

This is the last work day of the year, so enjoy the break and see you all
next year!


Lucas Kanashiro.
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