Could someone help reviewing some code changes to the sponsoring queue?

Sebastien Bacher seb128 at
Wed Mar 31 15:07:16 UTC 2021

Hey again,

Follow up, ignore that email, Brian already reviewed them but launchpad
didn't send me emails and I hadn't noticed :-/

Sebastien Bacher

Le 31/03/2021 à 15:22, Sebastien Bacher a écrit :
> Hey there,
> I'm unsure if anyone is actively maintaining that codebase or watching
> merge requests so I'm trying asking on the list in case someone from
> ~ubuntu-dev (which is the owning team) would like to help.
> I've submitted some small code changes which are waiting for review
> Basically writting the json report in a subdir (where they can be easily
> enumerated without having to code a list of known names) and adding
> extra details to those. The change are going to be useful to improve the
> sponsoring queue KPI.
> Thanks in advance,
> Sebastien Bacher

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