Plan to reform the Ubuntu Backporters Team [was: Proposal: sunset the backports pockets]

Mattia Rizzolo mapreri at
Wed Jul 28 16:12:57 UTC 2021

On Wed, Jul 28, 2021 at 11:40:47AM -0400, Dan Streetman wrote:
> I'm fine with Mattia's suggestion for the first irc mtg the week of
> Sept 6-10; my TZ is us/eastern (currently UTC-4) so my preference
> would be anytime between 12:00 and 22:00 UTC, but I could push that a
> bit earlier or later if needed.

I'm based in central Europe, so CEST (currently UTC+2), and I'm a late
sleeper, so my normal times for meetings is between 9:00-21:00 UTC.
22:00 UTC would start be a tad late for me.

> mapreri, teward, any preference on the day and/or time for the first
> mtg? Does Wed, Sept 8 at 14:00 UTC sound ok?

Now, you picked a week where I'll likely be busy during daytime, so I'd
be available only after 16:00 UTC or so.

So I'd be up for :)

That said, it's more than a month away, and covid is still in flux, so
who knows how my exact time availability might be!

                        Mattia Rizzolo

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