Proposal: sunset the backports pockets

Robie Basak robie.basak at
Mon Jul 19 14:49:24 UTC 2021

On Mon, Jul 19, 2021 at 10:42:06AM -0400, Thomas Ward wrote:
> Have we actually confirmed this though, Robie?  If I remember right, I was
> able to push something to -backports with my coredev once, and it didn't
> complain on the upload permissions side of things.  Unless I am forgetting
> something, it LOOKS like upload rights from Core Dev still give backports
> access...

There's the ACL, and then there's the social/governance side.

On the ACL side I don't care much, because I trust that core devs and
others with similar ACL privilege will follow the policies and processes
set by our project.

On the social/governance side, as far as I understand, the Ubuntu
Backporters Team is delegated authority over the backports pocket, and
nobody should be uploading/approving to the backports pocket without
adherence to their process. If I'm wrong, I am happy to be corrected. If
any core dev is _supposed_ to be able to upload backports, or otherwise
bypass review by the Ubuntu Backporters Team, then that should be
documented and we need some process to at least set some expectations
around what qualifies, etc.
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