General mechanism to supply "rich history" to git-ubuntu

Robie Basak robie.basak at
Tue Feb 2 15:55:52 UTC 2021

On Tue, Feb 02, 2021 at 10:48:07AM -0500, Scott Moser wrote:
> I think this is great. I think it is a game-changer for ubuntu development.
> Thank you.


> In your example above, the 'refs/heads/test' has to exist (and to have the
> referenced commit) in order for the importer to find it.
> So the uploader would then have to not delete or force-push that reference
> until some point in the future, right?
> My only concern here is that I already have way too many branches
> that I've pushed. This will just leave more manual maintenance for me
> to not clean up these branches until the upload that references
> them is landed.
> Did I undestand that correctly?

Correct. At the time the importer runs, it needs to be able to fetch a
ref from somewhere. If you push to a personal branch and use that ref,
then it'll need to exist until git-ubuntu has caught up with your
upload. Right now the time varies, is commonly an hour or two, but
sometimes has been a week. Over time, I hope for us to get more reliable
with it (this requires infrastructure, monitoring, etc).

I'm not really sure how to avoid this requirement.

Another approach you could take is to maintain a team repository and
branch somewhere. Then all your uploads could be "from" a single main
branch, which would then persist by its nature.

I guess you could sort of do that with a personal repository, too, if
you wanted. Maintain a "for-upload" branch, always push there, and then
forget about it until you reuse it next time.
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