proposed-migration downtime, week of 2020-01-27

Iain Lane laney at
Tue Jan 7 17:36:36 UTC 2020

Hey developers,

This is advance notice of some upcoming downtime in proposed-migration,
the software which controls when uploads of Debian packages are made
available to users of the development release, and also which generates
requests for autopkgtests to be run against new uploads.

In brief, we have re-developed the build and deployment system behind
Ubuntu's autopkgtest machinery so that it is more easy to drive by
admins, and hopefully a bit more robust. We need to destroy the current
environment and deploy the new one in its place. We're allowing for one
day for this to take place, which I'm currently expecting to be in the
week of 2020-01-27. I will follow up with the exact day closer to the
time. There will be no* user visible changes so you can expect
everything to function as it did before, including the keeping of
existing results.


Iain Lane                                  [ iain at ]
Debian Developer                                   [ laney at ]
Ubuntu Developer                                   [ laney at ]

* easter egg: "no" isn't strictly right - web results will be available
  on much faster with the new deployment which
  you might notice if you are eagle eyed :-)
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