Reconsidering Ubuntu bug-filing redirection

Bryce Harrington bryce.harrington at
Wed Oct 16 01:39:52 UTC 2019

On Mon, Oct 14, 2019 at 12:13:30PM +0100, Colin Watson wrote:
> About ten years ago [1] [2], Launchpad was changed so that, if people
> try to file a bug on Ubuntu directly via the web, then they're instead
> redirected to which
> explains how to file a bug using the appropriate tools.  Some way down,
> this explains how to file bugs manually and bypass this redirection.
> At the time, this change was described as an experiment.  I think it's
> worth having a look at this and seeing if we can tweak it to reduce some
> sources of frustration.
> I think we could consider other approaches in the Launchpad UI to give
> people a nudge towards good local bug-reporting tools while being
> slightly less user-hostile to people who know what they're doing about
> bugs in general but not about Ubuntu's processes.  I have two specific
> independent ideas that I'd like to submit for consideration:
>  * Rearrange the UX for reporting bugs on Ubuntu as a non-member of
>    ~ubuntu-bugcontrol so that it presents the reference to ReportingBugs
>    and the advice to use ubuntu-bug in a way that's hard to ignore but
>    that can still be skipped.

Back in 2010 there was some discussion on this issue, and Deryck Hodge
had a proposal to make the UX follow a "Your bug is X% complete" style,
maybe conceptually similar to this suggestion, which was captured as a
"Bugs Q&A" story:

Fairly rough concept there, but apparently was included for the LP 4.0
roadmap (


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