Removing Qt 4 from Ubuntu before the 20.04 release

Simon Quigley tsimonq2 at
Thu Aug 22 23:29:45 UTC 2019


I would like to completely remove Qt 4 from the Ubuntu archive before
the 20.04 release. This includes all of KDE 4 and dependencies.

The Debian Qt/KDE Team (which I am a part of) is raising the status of
the Qt 4 removal bugs to RC[1], and since the Qt 6 work is starting
upstream in the dev branch in the coming months, now is the time for Qt
4 to go.

My timeline for this is to change all of the bugs filed to ask people to
port[2] to removal bugs, and go over the list of Qt 4 reverse
dependencies one last time, so the removal can be done at the beginning
of the 20.04 cycle before the archive opens. This would make 19.10 the
last release with Qt 4.

Flavors, please check if Qt 4 is on your ISO, and if it is, make plans
to remove it as soon as you can. Please hop in #ubuntu-qt if you would
like help porting your favorite application.

Does anyone object to this plan?


Simon Quigley
tsimonq2 at
tsimonq2 on freenode and OFTC
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