State of the Sponsorship Queue - Can we get it to 0?

Sebastien Bacher seb128 at
Tue Apr 23 10:08:03 UTC 2019

Hey Robie,

Le 23/04/2019 à 11:54, Robie Basak a écrit :
> and I think it's unfair on
> Simon to criticize him for not going the extra mile given that he's
> seemingly one of the few who are going any miles at all right now.

That was not my intend to criticize him, it's fine for Simon or anyone
to decide to 'skip over' those and/or ask for the contributor to add the
SRU info, sorry if I gave the impression I was being negative on that

What I was trying to say is that I would prefer for those items to stay
on the report (or have another subpage if that makes more sense?) so we
don't 'lose' them completely. If they are removed from the page and the
submitter doesn't come back then there is a good chance that no-one is
ever going to go and fish the contribution back. I'm still interested to
have those listed somewhere because I personally do find of those items
worth sponsoring and I'm wanting to do the work needed in some cases
(but I can't if they vanish from the queue)

Sebastien Bacher

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