Bugs reports should include syslog warnings or not?

Matthew Paul Thomas mpt at canonical.com
Mon Mar 19 15:55:25 UTC 2018

Robie Basak wrote on 19/03/18 13:47:
> On Sat, Mar 17, 2018 at 08:13:55PM -0400, Jeremy Bicha wrote:
>> One particular class of private info I've seen in the systemd journal
>> is file names of files that tracker fails to index.
>> File names can be very sensitive. And yet, it seems to me like it's
>> appropriate for tracker to log the file name as a warning.
> The way I see it, by choosing to log, one is also choosing to make
> that data public should the user share logs. Since sharing logs is
> something that is typically done when asking for help on the Internet
> at large.

If I understand this correctly, the logic is:

1.  People choose whether to log systemd.

2.  Those people, who choose to log systemd, know that “ubuntu-bug
    evolution” (for example) will post JournalErrors.txt publicly.

3.  Those people, who know they’re posting JournalErrors.txt publicly,
    also know that it may include confidential information.

Is that right? Because I’d be surprised if *any* of those things is true
(for more than 10% of that set of people), let alone all three.

> apport is only one part of this. Special casing privacy considerations
> in apport, IMHO, doesn't help with any wider privacy leak when a user
> is asked to share logs some other way.
> I conclude that it needs to be decided in tracker upstream if that
> information should be considered private or not. If it should be
> private, then it shouldn't be logged by upstream by default.
This seems to assume that the main use of Ubuntu log files is posting in
public bug reports and support forums — rather than, say,
troubleshooting and system administration in corporate IT departments.
Again, I’d be surprised if that’s true.


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