More diagnostics data from desktop

Mark Rogers mark at
Thu Feb 22 09:50:57 UTC 2018

On 21 February 2018 at 17:32, Jonty Gamao <techxgames at> wrote:
> Personally, I'll help out by giving you guys the data you're asking, but there are others who are totally against this, especially the idea of opt-in.

"Me too".

But the issue of GDPR was mentioned earlier in the thread but seems to
have fallen on deaf ears. If you are collecting this kind of data in
the EU (and as far as I can tell telemetry data does get swept up into
it indirectly if not directly) then opt-in isn't just advisable but
legally enforceable.

Short of automatically ticking the opt-in box depending on location
(and how well can you know the location without a network
connection?), and potentially creating a documentation headache
because different people will see different things, and certainly
skewing the results, then surely the GDPR closes this part of the
debate down?

Going further: When the GDPR takes effect, will Ubuntu even be
compliant as it stands? Explicit and clearly defined consent on bug
reports, for example.

If someone has looked into this and determined that Ubuntu isn't
affected then I (and other EU) users would love to know more!

Mark Rogers // More Solutions Ltd (Peterborough Office) // 0844 251 1450
Registered in England (0456 0902) 21 Drakes Mews, Milton Keynes, MK8 0ER

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