Changing $PATH for apt installs

Julian Andres Klode julian.klode at
Tue Dec 4 20:46:25 UTC 2018

Hi folks,

I'm planning to have apt set PATH to a sane value for running
dpkg, so that maintainer scripts are executed in a sanitized
environment. That value will be:


The effect:

(1) There is no /usr/local, which prevents breakage from custom perl
    or python installation

(2) /snap/bin is not included either. This means that packages migrating
    to snaps will have to provide compatibility links (scripts?) in /usr
    - IIRC, lxd already does so, I'm not sure about other libraries.

Together, this ensures that deb packages only talk to deb packages.


debian developer - | - free software dev 
ubuntu core developer i speak de, en

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