Change of scope and target market for i386

Ian Bruntlett ian.bruntlett at
Wed May 3 19:41:47 UTC 2017

Hi Dmitri,

On 3 May 2017 at 18:01, Dimitri John Ledkov <xnox at> wrote:

> ######
> NB! this is a mailing list for developers, and this is a _proposal_
> that I want to discuss with the *buntu developers. There is no need to
> OMG this, especially since this is a recurring discussion every single
> development cycle for many years now...
> ######

Here is my feedback and info about my experiences of installing and
supporting lubuntu...

Your changes look interesting. I am the main part of a scheme to refurbish
old computers and pass them on to people with mental health problems, their
carers or children. I install Lubuntu on them as it provides a more
familiar desktop environment. Some of the people I support have 32-bit
systems, especially laptops. Given the age of the computers, being able to
boot from a net install CD-R and install Lubuntu is invaluable. For systems
that can boot from a USB flash drive, the hybrid Lubuntu iso is also

A friend who also refurbishes computers for people told me he used Debian
because the Lubuntu isos would not install on pre-586 systems. When giving
info about the 32-bit isos, could you mention some of the x86 processors
that are not suitable for the iso?



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