Ubuntu Kernel Team - Weekly Newsletter, 2017-06-06

Joseph Salisbury joseph.salisbury at canonical.com
Tue Jun 6 22:14:24 UTC 2017


The Ubuntu Kernel Team has published this weeks newsletter[0].

The Newsletter is published weekly. It contains highlights from the
week, announcements regarding the development and stable kernels, as
well as any other news the Kernel Team may have.


The Ubuntu Kernel Team

[0] https://wiki.ubuntu.com/KernelTeam/Newsletter/2017-06-06

=== Introduction ===
This newsletter is to provide a status update from the Ubuntu Kernel
Team.  There will also be highlights provided for any interesting
subjects the team may be working on.

If you would like to reach the kernel team.  You can find us at the
#ubuntu-kernel channel on FreeNode.  Alternatively you can mail the
Ubuntu Kernel Team mailing list at: kernel-team at lists.ubuntu.com

=== Highlights ===

 * Canonical Kernel Livepatch Service now available for Ubuntu 14.04 LTS:
 * Simple Job Scripting now in stress-ng 0.08.00.
 * Microsoft has been using Microsoft is using stress-ng for their
Windows Subsystem for Linux shim.
 * Xen security update released on Zesty, Yakkety, Xenial, and Trusty
 * 4.11.0-5.10 in artful-proposed
 * Unstable updated to 4.12-rc4
 * canonical-kernel-team/proposed PPA available for testing artful
proposed kernels
 * Refreshed bcc snap on latest bcc tip (pulls in a bunch of bug fixes)
 * Preparation of 4.4.70 upstream stable kernel update for Xenial
 * CVE's fixed in latest Xenial SRU
  * CVE-2016-7913
  * CVE-2016-7917
  * CVE-2016-8632
  * CVE-2016-9083
  * CVE-2016-9084
  * CVE-2016-9120
  * CVE-2016-9604
  * CVE-2017-2596
  * CVE-2017-2671
  * CVE-2017-6001
  * CVE-2017-7472
  * CVE-2017-7618
  * CVE-2017-7645
  * CVE-2017-7889
  * CVE-2017-7895
  * CVE-2017-8061
  * CVE-2017-8064
  * CVE-2017-8067
  * CVE-2017-8068
  * CVE-2017-8069
  * CVE-2017-8070

=== Devel Kernel Announcements ===
Version 4.11 is now in artful-proposed.  We have a new ppa to make
testing easier:

=== Stable Kernel Announcements ===

Current cycle: 02-Jun through 24-Jun
         02-Jun   Last day for kernel commits for this cycle
05-Jun - 10-Jun   Kernel prep week.
11-Jun - 23-Jun   Bug verification & Regression testing..
         26-Jun   Release to -updates.

Kernel Versions
         precise  3.2.0-126.169
          trusty  3.13.0-119.166
           vivid  3.19.0-84.92
          xenial  4.4.0-78.99
         yakkety  4.8.0-53.56

linux-lts-trusty  3.13.0-117.164~precise1
 linux-lts-vivid  3.19.0-80.88~14.04.1
linux-lts-xenial  4.4.0-78.99~14.04.1

Next cycle: 23-Jun through 15-Jul
         23-Jun   Last day for kernel commits for this cycle
26-Jun - 01-Jul   Kernel prep week.
02-Jul - 14-Jul   Bug verification & Regression testing..
         17-Jul   Release to -updates.

=== Status: CVE's ===
 The current CVE status can be reviewed at the following link:

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