Ubuntu Foundations Team - Weekly Newsletter, 2017-07-06

Steve Langasek steve.langasek at ubuntu.com
Wed Jul 12 16:50:40 UTC 2017

  *Thursday July 6, 2017*

This newsletter is to provide a status update from the Ubuntu Foundations
Team.  There will also be highlights provided for any interesting subjects
the team may be working on.

If you would like to reach the Foundations team, you can find us at the
#ubuntu-devel channel on freenode.


* Ubuntu is published in the Windows Store and is installable on Windows 10
  insiders preview builds.  It is currently phased and will be generally
  available to insiders soon.

* Deprecation of PV images for Amazon EC2 in Artful - 17.10

* skype Linux client previously in partner is EOLed and has been removed
  from partner, see upstream website for information
  https://www.skype.com/en/download-skype/skype-for-linux/ (LP: #1701746)

* 16.04 images are now available on Rackspace OnMetal

    The State of the Archive

* OCaml 4.04 transition in progress

* The initial ghc migration for the cycle has completed, another round is 
  now in progress

    Upcoming Ubuntu Dates

* 16.10 EoL this month!

* 16.04.3 point release is scheduled for August 3, 2017

    Weekly Meeting

* IRC Log: http://ubottu.com/meetingology/logs/ubuntu-meeting/2017/ubuntu-meeting.2017-07-06-15.04.moin.txt
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