makedumpfile : kernel version is not supported

Louis Bouchard louis.bouchard at
Thu Jan 5 13:05:34 UTC 2017


The upstream version of makedumpfile does a verification of the kernel version
being used and issue the message "kernel version is not supported" if it finds
that the kernel being used it newer than the latest version that upstream has

This causes repetitive bug reports when we push new kernels out, especially in
LTS releases even if, the crash file produced by makedumpfile remains valid.
Upstream adapt to the latest kernel version in each major release, so doing an
SRU of the major release is not a valid solution.

Since kernel specific changes to makedumpfile are small, they are usually
backported to the older release but the version check is never adapted.

I am thinking of adding a patch to the versions of makedumpfile in stable
releases where it has been confirmed that the newer kernel works to avoid such a
message,even if this verification has not been done upstream. LP: #1626269[1] is
an example of such a situation.

Does that sound like a reasonable solution ?


Kind regards,


Louis Bouchard
Software engineer, Cloud & Sustaining eng.
Canonical Ltd
Ubuntu developer                       Debian Maintainer
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