Server team meeting minutes: 2017-02-14

Robie Basak robie.basak at
Tue Feb 14 16:44:59 UTC 2017

== Meeting information ==
 * #ubuntu-meeting: ubuntu-server-team, 14 Feb at 16:00 — 16:34 UTC
 * Full logs at [[]]

== Meeting summary ==

=== Review ACTION points from previous meeting ===
The discussion about "Review ACTION points from previous meeting" started at 16:00.

  * No actions from previous meeting.

=== Development Release ===
The discussion about "Development Release" started at 16:00.

  * ''LINK:'' 
  * Various feature freeze sensitive uploads are stuck in proposed.
  * Various things are blocked on MIRs that are pending review.
  * ''ACTION:'' rbasak to review jgrimm's iproute2 MR
  * ''ACTION:'' nacc to review jgrimm's openvpn MR
  * ''ACTION:'' rbasak to review caribou's nut merge
  * ''ACTION:'' rbasak to review powersj's etckeeper merge
  * ''ACTION:'' jgrimm to review server packages for anything new (or missed) that needs merging
 * '''Pending MIRs''' (16:17)
  * iotop and nicstat are done
  * htop and python-elftools wait on security review
  * ''ACTION:'' rbasak to look at seeding iotop & nicstat with powersj
  * sssd is missing the "secrets service", a new feature resulting in a component mismatch. This may be able to land in an FFe, or next cycle.
 * '''Active work that may need wider communication''' (16:20)
  * None

=== Server & Cloud Bugs & SRU/Pending Uploads (caribou) ===
The discussion about "Server & Cloud Bugs & SRU/Pending Uploads (caribou)" started at 16:21.

=== Weekly Updates & Questions for the QA Team (powersj) ===
The discussion about "Weekly Updates & Questions for the QA Team (powersj)" started at 16:21.

=== Weekly Updates & Questions for the Kernel Team (smb, sforshee) ===
The discussion about "Weekly Updates & Questions for the Kernel Team (smb, sforshee)" started at 16:22.

  * Nothing new to report kernel-wise
  * The bundle of xen-libvirt-qemu for zesty did finally move out of proposed yesterday.

=== Ubuntu Server Team Events ===
The discussion about "Ubuntu Server Team Events" started at 16:24.

  * None of note.

=== Development Release ===
The discussion about "Development Release" started at 16:24.

 * '''nginx''' (16:24)
  * nginx 1.10.3 (not a merge) was uploaded a couple days ago, due to some pretty evil/nasty HTTP/2 things that got fixed
  * A merge is more involved that usual; we think an FFe may be appropriate to get dynamic module support in
  * We hope to have a build-test of the merge probably by EOD tomorrow (22:00 UTC-5)
  * ''LINK:'' now exists
  * see for packaging details and bug triaging information on the nginx package in Ubuntu

=== Open Discussion ===
The discussion about "Open Discussion" started at 16:31.

  * 16.04.2 is late..targetting this thursday now

=== Announce next meeting date, time and chair ===
The discussion about "Announce next meeting date, time and chair" started at 16:33.

  * The next meeting will be at Tue 21 Feb 16:00:00 UTC 2017. rharper will chair.
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