Unblocking SRU uploader permissions

Iain Lane laney at ubuntu.com
Thu Feb 2 09:29:25 UTC 2017

On Thu, Feb 02, 2017 at 07:09:57AM +0000, Robie Basak wrote:
> If the answer is that they need to be core devs, then the problem
> becomes "what is the appropriate path to get to core dev"? One
> expectation seems to be to get MOTU first. But MOTU doesn't seem like
> the right path to me. We get applications aiming down this path (like
> Eric's), but universe uploads aren't really the goal for these
> applicants. Being able to drive SRUs is the goal. It seems inappropriate
> to me to force applicants to contribute through some fundamentally
> unrelated path to get to their goal of directly driving SRUs. We don't
> force other Ubuntu contributors to contribute in area B before they can
> upload directly to unrelated area A. I think we should find a way to
> allow proven contributors to area A to do that directly.

For what it's worth, I don't think that we've seen there be an (unspoken
or otherwise) requirement for MOTU as a prequisite for core-dev for a
long time now.

I think that I was in the more liberal wing of the DMB during my time,
but I would have been happy to grant core-dev if the applicant has shown
through sponsored uploads to any series that they are a very competent
developer, that upload rights to main are required for their
contributions, and if I was satisfied by some combination of the
interview and their contributions that they understand the policy and
procedure of the distro. That includes knowledge of both SRUs and
development release uploads, and convincing you that they won't
overreach and will ask for help when they need it.

It's possible to create an ACL that expresses what you're after -
ubuntu-sru has it for queue admin currently - but I'm not yet convinced
that creating more classes of developer is required. Not that I need to
be convinced. :)

Iain Lane                                  [ iain at orangesquash.org.uk ]
Debian Developer                                   [ laney at debian.org ]
Ubuntu Developer                                   [ laney at ubuntu.com ]
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