Detecting the init system in use

Mike Pontillo mike.pontillo at
Wed Dec 13 22:33:26 UTC 2017

On Wed, Dec 13, 2017 at 9:57 AM, Robie Basak <robie.basak at> wrote:

> 1) Fix systemd on Trusty so that testing for /run/systemd/system works
> again. This will probably need to remove /run/systemd/system correctly
> on postinst as part of the fix. This will unbreak MAAS and snapd working
> together.
> 2) Come up with and agree on some other universal way for testing for
> systemd and make that work everywhere. Then we can SRU that test to MAAS
> in Trusty, and fix any other packages in Trusty affected by the
> behaviour change of the original test.
> 3) Accept that on Trusty the general case is now broken, and make the
> official test be something like the following. This will need to be
> SRU'd to MAAS in Trusty, and we'll need to fix any other packages in
> Trusty affected by the behaviour change of the original test.
>    if Trusty: upstart
>    else if [ -d /run/systemd/system ]: systemd
>    else [existing checks for other init systems]
> Are there any other options? Please discuss as you wish. My purpose in
> starting this thread is to record consensus once we have it, so the
> archive of this thread can be used to be consistent in how we handle
> fixing this.

We discussed this from the MAAS angle recently, and one of the options the
team came up with was to check what binary the `/proc/1/exe`link points to.
Unfortunately, you can't do that without elevated privileges, but we could
ship a simple setuid/setcap utility to do so. I've got a quick
proof-of-concept here, if that's an option:

That said, MAAS 1.9 is intended to run on Trusty, and 2.0 through 2.3 are
intended to run on Xenial. Due to other dependencies that changed between
Trusty and Xenial, I don't think it would be practical to support MAAS on a
"Frankenstein" Trusty system that has been upgraded to Xenial but not

So that's somewhat a combination of (2) and (3). I think it's difficult to
predict if the benefit of doing (1) is worth the effort.

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