Polling for opinions on removing vm-builder, sandbox-upgrader and auto-upgrade-tester

Christian Ehrhardt christian.ehrhardt at canonical.com
Mon Aug 14 10:40:00 UTC 2017

On Tue, Jul 18, 2017 at 8:25 AM, Christian Ehrhardt <
christian.ehrhardt at canonical.com> wrote:

> On Tue, Jul 18, 2017 at 8:10 AM, Chris Puttick <cputtick at gmail.com> wrote:
> [...]
>> So if you want to define us as "upstream" we'd be proud to be making a
>> contribution (but in the end we're just scratching our collective itch
>> and have found nothing that does it better in the context we work in
>> (small-medium size deployments on multiple sites)).
> If it solves things for you it might be a solution for more people.
> We might remove the unused dependent test packages thou depending how the
> feedback looks like.

There was no further call on these (other than stating to be no more used)
so I intend to get them removed by an AA.

> We'll review the open bugs on Launchpad and any we are up to
>> addressing, as sys admins rather than devs ;) , we'll open an issue
>> report on our fork (and report back to Launchpad once fixed?). Sound
>> like a way forward?
> [...]

> If you need assistance on the Launchpad bug processing let me (and
> probably Serge) know.
> Likely initially it is all about commenting on the bugs that you pick (or
> reject) and linking the github issues that you open.

I saw that Emilian already updated one of the bugs that it is fixed.
Also there is a lot recent activity on [1] which I appreciate - given what
I read there maybe even more bugs could be updated to be fixed (or nacked
for a reason).

I updated the bug [2] with the concluding actions.
Thank you everybody for your participation.

[1]: https://github.com/newroco/vmbuilder/commits/master
[2]: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/vm-builder/+bug/1260062

P.S. All of this might still be a bit bumpy for Artful given that the
Feature Freeze is just a week out but I look forward to see vmbuild getting
usable again from now on.

Christian Ehrhardt
Software Engineer, Ubuntu Server
Canonical Ltd
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