git workflow: current status

Robie Basak robie.basak at
Fri Aug 4 15:24:44 UTC 2017

I thought I'd write up a little on where we are at the moment. This
isn't a future roadmap; it's just an explanation of where we are right
now, including workarounds we're using to make progress in dogfooding
until we have our better planned solutions in place. There are obvious
improvements to most of this. We are working on them.

 * There's a classic snap "git-ubuntu", which is the easiest way of
   consuming the tooling. Install with "snap install --classic
   git-ubuntu", or see our git tree at lp:usd-importer.

 * We're automatically importing a small set of packages until we're
   ready to scale up. "git ubuntu clone" will fetch from the right place
   and catch a few edge cases, or you can "git clone" directly from the
   git repositories under ~usd-import-team.

 * If you're interested in trying things out, you can: a) ask a member
   of ~usd-import-team to import a package as a one-off for you, or b)
   submit an MP to add to our automatically imported list[1].

 * You can file an MP to have changes reviewed. We don't have a great
   process for this yet, so you should follow up with someone to review
   or upload as you need in addition to filing an MP.

 * For now, the Canonical server team is using the teams
   ~canonical-server-core-reviewers, ~canonical-server-motu-reviewers
   and ~canonical-server-packageset-reviewers to request reviews from,
   so that we have appropriate review queues that we can prioritise
   amongst our available uploaders. We're following our own mandatory
   peer review policy for all uploads now, including for uploaders (one
   of the two developers need not be an uploader). In the longer term,
   we'd like to replace this with better integration with the
   sponsorship queue, or a replacement for it. We're open to quick fixes
   to make this better in the short term, though, for example for better
   integration with other teams and other contributors.

 * To get your rich git history adopted into the "official" importer
   tree after upload, in the short term a member of ~usd-import-team
   needs to push an "upload tag" for you. To avoid races, this needs to
   happen before upload. We're using the "Approved" MP state to
   represent that this needs doing in our review queues. If you are an
   uploader and just want your rich history integrated, please ask
   someone in ~usd-import-team after you have an MP ready. In the longer
   term, the importer will do this automatically.

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