Announce: new result browser

Martin Pitt martin.pitt at
Thu Sep 1 05:57:50 UTC 2016

Hello Dimitri,

Dimitri John Ledkov [2016-08-31 22:36 +0100]:
> On 31 August 2016 at 21:14, Martin Pitt <martin.pitt at> wrote:
> > [...] and reduces
> > latency from a few hours to ≤ 10 minutes (I will look at further
> > optimizing the swift download)

FTR, done now -- a complete sweep of swift without new results now
only takes 30 seconds instead of 5 minutes. Cron runs every 5 mins, so
results are pretty much guaranteed to be visible ≤ 5 minutes after the
test finished.

> I used to browse the static files, mostly to find the statistics pages
> / dumps to navigate and see:
> - all tests per arch; per series; per package
> - pass/fail rates / status of above

That's a good idea, I added a work item [1].

> Are there any stats dumps available at all? Just a single one would do
> that has all the details and that one can process / tinker with.

You can download the raw sqlite database [2] (~ 60 MB) to do arbitrary
queries until they get into HTML.




Martin Pitt                        |
Ubuntu Developer (  | Debian Developer  (

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