We need nominees for the Developer Membership Board

Tim darkxst at fastmail.fm
Sat Mar 12 10:21:33 UTC 2016

Hey Laney,

   I would consider nominating for this, but given timezones and  the current meeting times, half the meetings would be impossible for me to
attend, the other half run at about 5-6am my time. Would there be flexibility to changes those slightly?


On 11/03/16 20:10, Iain Lane wrote:
> Hi,
> We have only received 2 nominees for the DMB to fill the 5 seats which
> just became vacant. The 5 members all expired off the team yesterday, so
> we are currently *without a DMB*.
> Please could at least 3 more developers (~ubuntu-dev members) see if you
> can find the time to serve for 2 hours every 2 weeks for the next 2
> years (all the '2's...)? Without a properly functioning board there is
> no path for new contributors to get upload rights or developer
> membership.
>   https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DeveloperMembershipBoard
> Cheers,

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