Knocking Python 2 off the desktop iso

Sebastien Bacher seb128 at
Tue Mar 8 19:08:35 UTC 2016

Hey Barry,

Le 08/03/2016 17:36, Barry Warsaw a écrit :
> I know this makes things less friendly for people who need Windows resources,
> but until Samba itself gets fully ported, our choices are rather limited: keep
> two Python stacks on the desktop image or provide a hook to install the
> required packages when needed.

Do we plan to reduce/drop support for python2.7 if we get it out of the
iso? Or what's the direct result out of those efforts out of sending a
message and winning some CD space?

Don't get me wrong, I would like to see the world moving to python3 but
if that's not going to be done this cycle and we need to support python2
as much it feels like we are making user experience tradeoff for
benefits which might not be worth it...

Sebastien Bacher

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