Knocking Python 2 off the desktop iso

Barry Warsaw barry at
Sat Mar 5 17:31:24 UTC 2016

On Mar 04, 2016, at 10:37 PM, Till Kamppeter wrote:

>I am already investigating. I will in any case demote python3-smbc to
>Suggests, but I am also looking for whether there is a way to let the package
>being installed (with user confirmation) when he clicks "Browse" or "Verify"
>on the panel for finding Windows (SMB) network printers. This is the only
>place where s-c-p uses python3-smbc.

Thanks Till!

>I am trying with the functionality in
>/usr/share/system-config-printer/ which is used at another
>place in /usr/share/system-config-printer/ to install the
>package, but the problem here is that the call of
>self.iface.InstallPackageNames() already exits after the user has entered his
>password, and does not wait until the package is installed. It also does not
>tell me whether the user has actually opted for installing the package or
>cancelled, so I do not even know whether to wait or not. Jiri, could you help

I don't know the code or expected workflow here, so I could be totally off
base, but it looks like _installSMBBackendIfNeeded() is trying to install
samba-client, which is a virtual package provided by smbclient.  smbclient
depends on libsmbclient.

If you changed that to installing python3-smbc, you'd still get libsmbclient,
but I don't know if you're depending on something in smbclient that's not in
libsmbclient.  If so, then I think you can just modify s-c-p's
PackageKit.InstallPackageName() method to accept multiple package names (or
add a new method that accepts more than one).  Then you'd pass smbclient and
python3-smbclient to them.

But that may still hit the problem you're describing above.


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