New learnings of CMake (>= 2.8.11) and Qt5

Michi Henning michi.henning at
Sat Jun 20 22:56:28 UTC 2015

On 19 Jun 2015, at 0:51 , Pete Woods <pete.woods at> wrote:

> which says that since CMake 2.8.11 (old hat now) we should be doing the following:
> find_package(Qt5Core)
> // ... define my_target
> target_link_libraries(my_target
>   Qt5::Core
>   nonQtDep
> )
> I, for one, think this will make mixed deps between Qt and non-Qt components much more readable in our CMake code.

Nice one, thanks!

I just tried this and found that it also gets rid of a lots of policy 28 warnings.


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