Holding a package that is not installed

Omer Akram omer.akram at canonical.com
Thu Jul 9 19:57:36 UTC 2015


I have been struggling with apt-mark, my situation is that, I want to *not*
update a certain package to the latest version, rather install the version
of its sibling package.

For example: I have unity8 installed and I hold it with 'apt-mark hold
unity8' since unity8 comes preinstalled on phones, when I try to install
unity8-autopilot it tries to install the latest version(if available) from
the archive and fails because it depends on unity8 itself.

What I am looking for is a way to hold any new package from the same source
to not try to upgrade to the latest version, rather install the version of
its sibling package. Probably I could do with pinning ?

Any pointers would helpful.

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