Server team meeting minutes: 2014-09-30

Ryan Beisner ryan.beisner at
Tue Sep 30 20:02:34 UTC 2014

==== U Development ====
 * Final beta freeze was last week, Utopic releases in less than a month.
 * We released beta of cloud images:
 * Everyone reminded to review assigned blueprints for any features that
need to be postponed for 14.10 release, since we're beyond feature freeze.

==== Server & Cloud Bugs (caribou) ====
 * no updates

==== Weekly Updates & Questions for the QA Team (psivaa) ====
 * no updates

==== Weekly Updates & Questions for the Kernel Team (smb, sforshee, arges)
 * smb reports that he is digging into a potential race between libvirt and
xen init

==== Ubuntu Server Team Events ====
 * None to report.

==== Open Discussion ====
 * Pretty quiet. Not even any bad jokes. Back to crunch time!

==== Agree on next meeting date and time ====
 * Next meeting will be on Tuesday, October 7th at 16:00 UTC in
#ubuntu-meeting.  Chair will be lutostag.

==== IRC Log ====

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