System setting for changing modifier keys?

Barry Warsaw barry at
Sat Nov 29 03:23:37 UTC 2014

On Nov 25, 2014, at 04:22 PM, Cory Johns wrote:

>gnome-tweak-tool seems to work somewhat well, although it has a few
>rough edges when run under Unity (transparent window making the labels
>hard to read, for instance), and doesn't support swapping Caps and
>Control (only Caps and Escape), but it does work and it gives you a
>fair number of remapping options.

Yes, g-t-t is a bit ugly but actually it *does* support swapping ctrl and
capslock albeit in a non-obvious way.

Go to Typing and set "Ctrl key position" to "At left of 'A'" and set "Caps
Lock key behavior" to "Make Caps Lock an additional Ctrl" (this might be
difficult to see because the label is longer than the menu button and the
runoff isn't easily visible.

>It would really be nice to have something like that available from the
>standard Keyboard or Text Entry settings.


As Chris points out in another followup, xmodmap isn't really a good place to
do this.  I couldn't get it to run from my ~/.profile at the right time to
actually change the keybindings on login.  I'm sure there's some funky lightdm
session ordering or somesuch that prevents this from working.  I always had to
manually run the xmodmap command in a terminal after login until I played with

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