Ubuntu Online Summit call for sessions

Michael Hall mhall119 at ubuntu.com
Thu May 29 00:13:10 UTC 2014

The Ubuntu Online Summit is a combination of online UDS, Open Week,
Developer Week and User Days. It will be help from June 10th through the
12th, at 1400 UTC to 2000 UTC.

Pretty soon you will be hearing from track leads asking you for
sessions.  You can help them out by thinking about what sessions you
want to run now. There's not much time (our fault, I know) so please try
to be pro-active and get your sessions proposed this week so the track
leads have time to review and schedule them.

You can find the list of tracks, track leads, and a link to how to
propose your session at the link below[1].

We want to have both planning sessions (like a typical UDS) and
presentation sessions (like a typical Open Week), so even if you don't
need to do any more planning you can still show off the work you've been
doing and help users/developers learn how to use it.


Michael Hall
mhall119 at ubuntu.com

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