and upgrade crashes

Robert Collins robertc at
Sun May 18 18:42:52 UTC 2014

On 17 May 2014 09:07, Seth Arnold <seth.arnold at> wrote:

> This is something we could provide to the developers as a simple API.
> onApplicationUpdate: high-level signal or a simple C function to install
> the inotify listener that can signal the application's main event loop
> when appropriate. We probably even already have a file in every package
> that could serve as the inotify sentinal.
> That way, applications that are brittle about having their resources
> updated 'from underneath' can be prepared to do something about it.

It might be better to flip the logic around and assume most user
applications are brittle - refuse to update unless all the user
applications running have marked themselves as being update
ready/update aware.

Working from the assumption here that coding to handle updates is
something folk will have to opt into, rather than being something you
accidentally break but which otherwise Just Works.


Robert Collins <rbtcollins at>
Distinguished Technologist
HP Converged Cloud

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