Error Tracker retracing armhf crashes

Brian Murray brian at
Wed Mar 26 23:15:07 UTC 2014

Last week the Ubuntu Error tracker infrastructure, thanks to the hard
work of the Canonical Web Ops team (particularly David Ames), switched
from running on specific hardware systems to using Canonical's internal
cloud. An exciting benefit of this is that we now have retracers running
for the armhf architecture and are successfully retracing these crash
reports! They will be bucketed with existing crashes regarding other
architectures or new buckets will be created for the first one.

Keep in mind that you can find crash reports a particular device has
submitted by using the Diagnostics tab in the Security & Privacy control
panel and clicking on Show Previous Reports.  Those reports are now
sorted in chronological order so that the most recently submitted
crashes appear at the top of the page. While its not currently possible
to navigate from a specific OOPS to the bucket to which it has been
allocated, this is possible by querying the database, so just ask me.

Additionally, one can always search for bugs about a particular package
which may appear on phone images by specifying the package e.g.:

Brian Murray

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