Remove Python 3.3 from Trusty

Barry Warsaw barry at
Thu Mar 20 14:54:37 UTC 2014

I just filed LP: #1295153 for removing Python 3.3 from Trusty.

Matthias and I have been in favor of this for a while, given that it looked
like Python 3.4's release schedule would nicely align with ours.  In fact, it
all worked out, with Python 3.4 final having been released on March 16, 2014.

Python 3.3.5 was released on March 8, 2014 and was retroactively declared the
last bug fix release for Python 3.3.  It now enters security-only mode for the
duration of its lifecycle.

Python 3.4 is a great release[1], and while we did find a few
incompatibilities[2] leading to package build failures, all have been
addressed now as far as we know.

I think it's better overall for us to drop Python 3.3 from Trusty and support
only Python 3.4 for the LTS.  We will need to identify Python 3 extension
module packages and rebuild them to reduce their size.



[2] Notable examples:

- The AST has changed and this lead to breakages of genshi.  Upstream genshi
  committed some fixes to their vcs which I've backported to Debian and
  Ubuntu, while we wait for a new upstream release.

- The semantics of __file__ have changed; it is now guaranteed to be an
  absolute path.  While it's highly discouraged for packages to use __file__
  (use the pkg_resource API instead), oneconf was relying on the relative
  paths of previous releases.  I've fixed that bug and uploaded a new version.
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