Launchpad buildds and capabilities

Dmitry Shachnev mitya57 at
Fri Mar 14 07:29:17 UTC 2014

On Sun, 9 Mar 2014 10:29:19 +0000, Colin Watson wrote:
> The plan is, and has been for some time, to convert the PPA builders to
> a specialised OpenStack cloud ("scalingstack") rather than investing any
> more effort in the current setup.  Quite a bit of work has gone into
> this by Canonical IS, but it's rather a complex project and is still in
> progress; I can't give an ETA, although we hope that we won't need to
> struggle along with our current setup for too much longer.
> In the long term, we'll probably end up with at least some of the distro
> builders moving into scalingstack as well, perhaps reducing the
> differences between the two pools.  (After all, the builder pools are
> basically a rather stupid and not-very-scalable kind of cloud.)  This
> won't happen until we've been running for a while with PPAs in the new
> system and are quite confident in it, though.

Hi Colin, and thanks for the explanation.

Is there any way to detect at build time if the builder supports
capabilities, possibly in a way that will work with non-Launchpad setups?

Dmitry Shachnev
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