Giving developers access to requeue package imports [Was: Ubuntu Platform developers BOF session?]

Barry Warsaw barry at
Wed Nov 13 21:19:19 UTC 2013

On Nov 13, 2013, at 03:43 PM, Stéphane Graber wrote:

>Hmm, so if we can't planned changes to UDD branches and have to use a
>separate user-owned branch for that, then what's the use of the UDD
>It sounds to me like it'd then be much easier for me to just maintain my
>own branch on the side and upload from there, ignoring UDD entirely,
>which surely isn't what we want there.

We're all familiar with workflows where landings to the master branch are
guarded by robots like Jenkins or Tarmac.  I think of this exactly the same
way, with the 'bot being the importer.

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