Unity8 & Mir Weekly Report May 24, 2013

Kevin Gunn kevin.gunn at canonical.com
Fri May 24 18:52:40 UTC 2013

Hi all,
hope all finds you well.
Please find the Mir/Unity8 UI team weeklies

*Unity8 & Mir Weekly Report**
*May 24, 2013*

*Current Team Theme*

   - Integrate Unity8 onto Mir
   - Improve Unity8 testing
      - Mir build out to support Unity8
   - As always  live action here
      - and all the dependent blueprints

*Acheived this week**

   - Unity8 on Mir
   - broke out window management functionality into a seperate layer from
      the Unity8 shell, to become a seperate project
         - instructions to recreate updated frequently here
         http://studio.sketchpad.cc/gmY0M6iqeh (note its pure development)
      - still not landed due to coordination with some platform-api changes
      being landed
      - Mir
      - Began mulit client stress testing
         - discovered a couple of race condition bugs with this, delivered
         fixes to continue
         - delivered some composition refactoring to lay ground work for
      composition bypass
      - iterated on stack depth for tracking z order and for shell to
      manage focus
   - Unity8 UI
   - landed qt based mock lightdm that can be used for test as well as demo
      - Met with design to review current launcher & folding icon proto
      - Continued investiation into Qt bug effecting memory use of
      listviewwithpageheader, working towards upstreamable solution
      - Landed directional drag area for launcher (to better handle edge
      - Few more tweaks to infographic/greeter staged to land
      - reviewed with design on analog calendar design to use for indicator
      & delivered draft API doc per SDK team process
      - some additional work in dev branch for snap decision notifications
      - MP'd changes for i18n

*Shooting for next week*

   - Mir
      - continue work supporting Unity8-mir window management, clean up
      toward landing
         - dependency on platform-api changes to land first
      - continue effort on composition bypass
         - first get bypass working, then focus on dynamic, then logic of
         turning off/on
      - address stack depth focus support once Unity8-mir wm lands
      - continue multiclient stress test towards CI, possibly start on low
      mem tests
      - focus on simplifying install of mir as system compositor for free
      gfx driver based dektops
   - Unity8 UI
      - create some shaders for blurring lock screen of app underneath
      - Continue shell-mir integration work
      - Continue discussion w/ design on indicators
      - followup on launcher, implement design feedback
      - Land phablet greeter in lightdm flow (includes no-password or
      one-password login, user backgrounds, and demo infographics)
      - work on directional drag area use by stage & panel/indicator
      - continue investigation into mem use associated with
      listviewwithpageheader (LVWPH as you might see it in the bp's)
      - greeter on mir integration (if we can land mir)

*Risks and Issues*

   - ongoing changes from usability testing/design iterations, really need
   to lock down by june
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